Friday, June 26, 2009

Duce's 8th birthday party

Duce turns 8 next week. But because some BELOVED cousins are going to be out of town, we decided to have an early party. My mother had gotten these HULK outfits for all the little boy cousins. Duce loved his and wanted his party to be HULK. So my darling mother went out and bought 3 more (for the invited non-family members) so that all the boys could be matching.

The party went as follows:
Partiers show up and put on HULK outfits
Scavenger hunt around the hacienda...with a mini one inside for the "under 5 yrs" age group
Hot HULKERS have popsicles
Eat Pizza with HULK juice (lemonade with green food coloring)
Open presents
Eat cake (thank you Publix!) and ice cream

It was a great LOW KEY party. And while we were in the pool, Duce turned to me and said, "Mom, this is the best birthday party ever!" Ahhhh, just what I love hearing!


laura said...

i love how your mom is always matching everyone! i want a hulk outfit too :)