Thursday, November 18, 2010

cheesecake time

Let me know if you are interested. This season is busy, so get your orders in early. It comes delivered in a festive holiday box!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

my bed

our bed is not our own....every night, my little 24 pound heat pad moves in. (I know, I know...what on earth is he STILL doing in our bed...he's my baby...I'm a wimp....he screams otherwise....won't take a bottle or Then, each morning, after the kids have left for school, I go up to check on him. I usually find his little fuzzy head sticking up out of the covers and the kitties sleeping next to him.

Then, as soon as Ace is awake, its a matter of time before Tee joins the party to watch his shows.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tee's blessing

I was cooking dinner when I heard some mumbling from Tee. I turned around to see this....I wasn't quick enough to get my camera for the original, but Tee happily reenacted it for me.

Friday, November 5, 2010

What's for dinner?

I opened the fridge and found these beauties, just chilling.