Tuesday, March 29, 2011

He's a pro...

My baby is a walking fool!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Date night with the UTAH JAZZ

Tyler's sister gave called us Friday to see if we wanted tickets to the JAZZ/KINGS game the next night. We said absolutely! We got our babysitter lined up (filled my purse with contraband--diet coke, mtn.dew and a few boxes of theater candy...no security guys looks in a wipes container!) and headed to the game.

Our seats couldn't get any higher...seriously...our backs were again the cement wall...but I was happy about it. We had marvelous birdseye view of the game. And a couple from our ward were in the "box" above us and she kept handing us down cups full of popcorn.
As I was looking through the game pamphlet thingy the usher gave us, I had a sad realization...I'm getting old. I am older than the ENTIRE Sacramento Kings roster..every single one of them. Yup...I guess it is true...this old grey mare, she ain't what she used to be!

Ok...so I got a little bored at the game. I ate my candy a little too quick and was looking for a way to entertain myself....ah ha....my camera!

I kept trying to sneak pictures of Tyler, but he'd move his head and it always turned out blurry...so I had to settle with myself as my muse...and he caught me a few times...hence the laughing shot!
The game actually got good towards the end. I found myself on my feet a few times, cheering. I guess the Jazz have lost quite a few of their recent games and this was a much needed win. The with seconds left, the Kings tied it and the game went into overtime (I moan) But my wonderful husband must've sensed my "serious!" because he looked at me and said "Let's go" (or maybe he wanted to beat the post game traffic. We got home and our greatest neighbor girl babysitter had all the kids in bed! Thanks, Ro, for a great night out with my babe!