Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Duce lost his fourth tooth last night. The flash fromthe camera made his two front teeth look freakishly horsey. They both are loose, too, so its just a matter of time until those are gone, also.

Once I took Duce's picture, everyone wanted their picture taken. Jo just wouldn't smile, though!

Avery had good intentions on smiling, but the boys kept distracting her and making her mad!

What photo shoot would be complete without Jett's gap on display, too!


It's Been a Day! said...

i can't believe you have multiple kids that are old enough to be losing teeth!! I hope the tooth fairy was nice to them. Your kids are so cute.

Shelly Hyde said...

i just want you to know that i was laughing out loud... leah ward style... about duce's freakishly horsey front teeth.

The Ranier Munns Family said...

Oh, my little darlings!!
Can you believe your very own Blogranny!!