Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

This Halloween, the kids had 4....yes 4 events to go to. So by the end, I was exhausted and didn't take pictures at the last one. Oh well.

I told the kids I wasn't buying anything for Halloween this year....they just had to make do with what they could find around the house. (Besides, that is what we did growing up, and it was just's closet was a treasure trove of funky outfits. I seem to remember a certain red and black metallic-y number that I LOVED)

This is Avery "supergirl" and Josie "ladybug" at the ward trunk or treat. My camera died before I could get anyone else's picture...way to plan, Erika.

Avery "supergirl", Josie "ladybug" and Jett "vampire" at the school's trick or treat. Duce missed it because he had a football game and Tee was off trick or treating with a little friend and Aunt Shanda.

In the past, I've haven't really encouraged the kids to be scary ghoulish thing. Maybe it's becuase I'm a little more tired these days, but slapping on some white paint and an old Darth Vader cape was so simple that I agreed to it.

SUPERGIRL enjoying her chocolate at Duce's football game.

Here are the kids at our little downtown trick or treating. There was a little costume switcharoo.



Leah W said...

oh my cutest andersons!!!
LOVE it!!

abbie said...

that is a lot of kiddies lined up in those bottom shots! they are all so cute.

Shelley said...

Cute pictures. What a great idea to have them come up with stuff. Seriously, our parents didn't buy us costumes really. We always seemed to borrow or come of with something fun.