Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween

Our kids had a wonderful Halloween.... a little wet, but enough candy to last til Christmas.

Elder Anderson BYU football player
ARGH matey our little monkey boy
Chicken little Silvermist from Tinkerbell
I sort of dread Halloween and trying to get costumes for everyone. This year was pretty stress free....Avery's was the only one I made...the simplest tulle skirt EVER to make and the wings from the Dollar Store. Ace, Tee, and Josie are wearing some old faithfuls from years past. Duce is wearing his football outfit with one of Tyler's bowl game jerseys...and Jett....well yesterday for his class party, he was a football player, but this morning, he said he wanted to be an Elder. I was going to DI today and looked what I came across...this A-mazing seersucker suit for $6. Tyler found his old missionary tag and VOILA...Elder Anderson!


Kelli said...

cute. it was wet for us too. said...

darling outfits

Kristen said...

oh my gosh, they are sooooooooooo cute!!!