Saturday, December 15, 2007

So I am getting ready to send out Christmas cards...this is one of the pictures on any of you blog viewers, if you want to join our mailing list, leave a comment with you address....for most of you, I think I already have it, but if you've moved in the last year, I probably don't have the new one....actaully, leaving your address on this is sort of scary, so just email


The kids had a little primary nativity last week. Jett was one of the mom did an excellent job on the costumes!
In the nativity, Duce was actually a cow and Dakota was an angel....but I changed them into Joseph and Mary for the pictures....I had to send a picture of them dressed like this to Tyler's sister....Duce loved the beard!
Here is our cutest mom made this costume out of a regular XL white tee shirt...she is so creative!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

three days before thanksgiving and we are at the BEACH!

So how jealous are those of you stuck in cold climates!!! The kids get this whole week off school, so we met up with Aunt Shelly and baby Goldie and Aunt Vanessa dropped off Claire, and we spent a few hours at the beach on Monday. It was warm and wonderful....except for the whole "red tide" thing, which had us all coughing, but it was still nice to get a little sun. The water was too cold for me, but the kids had a great time jumping over the waves.

Thanksgiving Feast

Jett's little preschool had a thanksgiving feast that we were invited to. They put on a little program....Jett's googley eye fell off his shirt on his way in and he was so preoccupied trying to put it back on that he didn't participate at all. But he is doing on encore for our thanksgiving dinner. Isn't he the cutest pilgrim EVER!

District 7 3A Champions!

Hook 'em Horns. My darling wonderful, amazing head coach of a husband has done it again....he has taken a team and in a few short years, made them champions. Harmony is the district champions! We are currently in the state play-offs. We won the first game so Friday is week two of states. And things are looking good....we are playing a team we have already beat twice!

At the district champ game, the were news people from all the majors local stations. It took forever for him to finish talking to them....our little celebrity!

Ahhh...the joy of motherhood!

So this is how this DISGUSTING event took place.
That morning, jett came in to my room and asked if he could get Josie an bottle with eggnog in it. Sure, I say. Later that morning, this happened. I was standing in the kitchen with Kara, Sam and Rachelle when all of a sudden, mount Jigga erupted! We were all laughing hysterically while dry heaving ourselves! So I cleaned her up...and I thought it was odd because she wasn't acting sick before and didn't act sick fever, nothing. So I'm thinking a fluke puke, right?! Well, it all made sense to me later that night. Duce came into the bedroom and asked if he could get some eggnog in a sipper for his and Avery. Sure, I say. I can hear him in the kitchen. Then Duce walks into my room with a weird look on his face and says, "mom, this eggnog tastes funny" Then it dawned on me..and I asked him if he had gotten it from the Land O'Lakes skinny bottle or the Land O'Lakes big bottle and he said skinny...the other wasn't opened. He had poured him and Avery a cup of HEAVY WHIPPING CREAM.....which means that Jett had given Josie a full bottle of HEAVY WHIPPING CREAM and she downed the whole thing. No wonder she threw up...I would, too!

$ $ And Duce gets richer $ $

Duce is not one of those kids that sits in front of the mirror working on a loose tooth until it finally comes out. No, his literally fall out of his mouth. The adult teeth are visible when the baby tooth comes out and the is little or no root left. This one was hanging by a thread and he let me just pop it out.
At Tyler's last football game, his other front tooth was wobbling. After much begging on my part, he finally left me take it out the rest of the now he can really say, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth."

Jo is a big girl now

So Josie has learned how to climb up onto the bar and now REFUSES to sit in her high chair for any meal. Sot his is her first official dinner up with the big kids.....Can't you tell she is super excited about it!

Jett tries to be helpful by feeding jo....but most of the time, the food ends up on the floor for the dogs!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

This is Carmela
This is Guppy

This is Buster

another Carmela

For Levi and Heather

Here are the pictures of Carmela...also there are the two "frenchton" pups, as well!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pumpkin Carving Night!

We invited everyone over for some Halloween fun for fhe. Everyone brought their pumpkins and we set up the table! We turned out some very creative and interesting creations!
Sam took over the carving for the Haught family....quite the smile, there!

Tyler helped the boys with thiers.....they wanted SCARY. Avery helped me with hers....she wanted eyelashes, but that didn't turn out very well.

Go-dad came over to judge and the boys took second and third with their scary designs. Grandma took first, of ourse!

Daniel and Emily's looked so much alike!
working hard on eyelashes that didn't quite work out!
Duce did an excellent job scraping out the inside of his pumpkin!

Anne and her girls made a beautiful mr potato head princess pumpkin! Then Justin went to work on what I think was the smallest carved pumpkin ever!

Goodbye Wards...(holy toledo!)

We had a goodbye breakfast with the WARD family before they left for Toledo! Gordon Ward will be missed! Along with Uncle Steve, Aunt Leah, Oscar, and Eleanor. Duce was jealous that is was cold there and that they will get snow. He was nearly in tears telling me that we needed to move where there was snow or they will never be able to throw a snowball at dad! I don't, know, Duce, I kinda like the idea of going to the beach in October (which we did two weeks ago and it was WONDERFUL)

Harmony beats Eustis 31-13!

This was a big district win and Tyler couldn't have been happier...worst case scenario....three way tie for first and second in the division and there would have to be a play-off. Best looking coach EVER!
After Duce took about 20 pictures, I realized I had a speck of black something or other in my teeth! needless to say, this is the only one where you can't really see it!

Grandma Munns's little cheer outfits have been handed down to the little girls....and they love them! Rubee and Josie look so adorable in their Longhorn cheerleading outfits!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


So I know Goldie is a few weeks old now, but without internet at my house, it is hard to keep up! So here are some belated pictures of our newest little adorable peanut of a niece!!!! The girls loved getting thier picture taken with the baby, but That was the one and only shot of Jett with her. Congratulations Shelly and John! You did well!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Duce lost his fourth tooth last night. The flash fromthe camera made his two front teeth look freakishly horsey. They both are loose, too, so its just a matter of time until those are gone, also.

Once I took Duce's picture, everyone wanted their picture taken. Jo just wouldn't smile, though!

Avery had good intentions on smiling, but the boys kept distracting her and making her mad!

What photo shoot would be complete without Jett's gap on display, too!

Monday, September 10, 2007

the "Frenchtons"

This in one of the six Frenchtons that we have right now. The mom is a boston terrier (Uno) and the dad is a french bulldog (Bogie). This is Buster and he is my favorite. His ears haven't popped up yet, but they should...he is the last one to have them go up!

First day of Pre-School

Jett is now in preschool. He goes to the same one Duce did last year and was so excited that his classroom was the purple door class, too! He only talks about the girls in what does that mean?

First Day of Kindergarten!

yes I haven't posted anything in a VERY long time...I promise to be here is my post of Duce's first day of Kindergarten. He is so big, that when he said he was in Ms Johnson's class, they assumed that was the 1st grade teacher. Thankfully he made it to his right classroom and has loved every minute of it since!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Out on the lake

A few weeks ago, we went out on the Clark's boat with the other Anderson's for a little fun in the was overcast, and late in the day, so the water was too cold for me and Anne, but that didn't stop anyone else!

Anderson Family Reunion Cokeville, WY

We got to go up to Wyoming for the weekend to enjoy some family time with the Anderson clan. The kids a blast....riding horses, going 4-wheelin', taking walks, going on truck rides, looking for cows, and best of all...playing with cousins!