Monday, February 4, 2008


Today is the day....finally, I get to trade in one kind of pain for another....and I'm acutally looking forward to it. I will be admitted into Celebration hospital at 10 PM to begin my induction! Judging by how all my other inductions went, i should have the baby sometime tomorrow morning. Recently I've had complete strangers tell me how brave we are...."brave or crazy", I say...most of the time I think crazy! Anyway....we will let you know how things go and post pictures of the final Anderson baby as soon as we can!


critts said...

Yay Erica! I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to see your new little bundle of joy. I hope everything went smoothly.

Linnea said...

I can not believe you, you little punk! I would have NEVER been able to keep a secret like that for so long. Cant wait to see him!!!