Sunday, January 17, 2010

The joy of GOO!

Yesterday, Tyler took the big kids to Wal-Mart to spend some of their Christmas money. Jett bought the EVER popular GOO! The kids shriek and howl with laughter. (When no one is looking, I've used it and cracked myself up, too.) It reminds me of the iphone app that my sis, Kara, has on her phone....I'm pretty sure I duplicated "the dirty raoul".

and yes its been awhile since I've posted anything...I'm beginning to think no one really checks this anyway. If you do, I will be better. All my Christmas/New Year/Florida pics are on my mom's computer in FL, so I'll have to wait on those. Until then, enjoy our "goo"!


Anonymous said...

I love Jett fishing in the back of that video.