Friday, February 11, 2011

Baby + sucker = happy

I have memories of going to the bank with mom when I was little...BB&T bank...or something like that. There was a branch sort of across the street from that little hospital in Longwood on 434. Anyway, I can remember always ALWAYS wanting to go with mom to the bank because I knew they would give out a sucker. My kids are the same. Whenever we pull into Zionsbank, the requests begin flying up to me from the backseat. Now, even Ace can join in. And boy does that little rollypolly LOVE his suckers.

He worked on that sucker until just the papery stick remained...actually, not much of even that remained. I was finding little soggy paper bits on the floor, so I finally took it away...much to his dismay. I think that was the first time he cried/had a little fit about not getting his way.


Kristen said...

just catching up on blogs and everyone is so grown up!!!