Thursday, February 3, 2011

Clay Roland Anderson

Some of you may already know, but for those who don't, Tyler's brother passed away last week. Tyler's nephew's wife wrote a very sweet post about it. Here is the link.


Shelley said...

I am so sorry for everyone. It brings tears to my eyes, thinking of my own dad. It is so sad and yet a spiritual time for Tyler's family. Isn't it so comforting to know that families are forever!

Adrianne said...

Erika- sorry to hear about your brother in law. He sounds like a wonderful man. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Tyler's family.

abbie said...

that is heartbreaking....thinking of you guys hoping tyler is doing okay.

critts said...

I am so, so sorry. What a beautiful article. I hope you guys are able to find peace during this difficult time.