Tuesday, January 15, 2008


So for those of you who don't know, my body HATES me! My doctor said 5 pregnancies in less than 7 years...of course it hates me!! My official due date is Feb. 17th, but I have BIG babies, so I've been induced early everytime. And thank heavens, this time is like all the rest. There is light at the end of the tunnel. There is an end in sight. I am scheduled to go into the hospital on Monday FEB 4th at 10 PM!!! So instead of five weeks of back breaking, mind-numbing pain, its only three weeks of hobbling like a 117 year old woman. Anf only three more weeks of weight gain as oppesed to five. Thats good, right? The one thing that is better with this pregnancy than all the rest is heartburn.....its sort of been a non issue this time. All the rest, I had to sleep almost sitting up to avoid it....so yeah for one thing!


It's Been a Day! said...

you've gotta love being induced early. of course, with me i was only induced like 2 days early so I'm very jealous of 2 weeks early!! I'm glad for your sake that the end is coming soon. And 5 pregnancies in 7 years - you are a better woman than me!!

Erika Anderson said...

just crazier, I think!

Jamie said...

the three weeks as opposed to 5 weeks of weight is a major bonus. the last few weeks was when i felt like i really packed it on. you really are a wonder woman 5 pregnancies in 7 years. is it a surprise as to what you are having? my sister does that but i don't think i could, i like to know.

Sarah said...

you are amazing, i wish you could have my babies for me,then just hand them over when they're born, think about it