Sunday, December 28, 2008


We had our first official trip to the ER last night. I had always thought it would be one of the boys that would prompt such a trip, but Avery didn't want to be left out, so she beat them to it! While at the Quigley's last night, she tried to do a fancy backward pencil dive from the hot tub into the pool. She didn't gauge her entry right, and hit her chin on the edge of the pool, splitting her chin WIDE open.
BEFORE AND real stitches...instead, they used liquid stitches and essentially super glued the cut closed.
Needless to say, it was super late by the time we got back to the Quigley's, loaded everyone else in the car and headed the hour long trip back to St. Cloud.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

MARIE ANDERSON - Rest in Peace!

Dec 5, 2006-Dec 24, 2008

We left our little Marie with some friends in Virginia while we came down to Florida for the holidays. We got a call from them (this morning...Christmas morning) that when they came down stairs to let her out, she had passed away in the night! She was a little sickly...had some health issues. When I found out, I busted out laughing. Don't get me wrong...I loved our dog...but seriously Marie...your timing couldn't have been worse! And in a weird way, I was relieved! I immediately told them NOT to worry one bit about it. We are just fine! I just was SO terribly sorry that their young boys had to be the ones to find her on Christmas morning. But what better way for a dog to go....peacefully in her sleep, on Christmas Eve!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

And the donkey says "hee haw"

One of my dad's little donkeys had a baby recently and she is just the most friendly little donkey EVER! So friendly, that after a ruckus round of tag...the donkey was it....she decided to follow the kids right in the house. Why wouldn't she. They left the door wide open for her!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saturday on the river

While much of the country is being blanketed by snow and ice, we are enjoying 80 degree weather here in sunny central Florida. Today, it topped out at 82. We went over to the beach, to my sister Vanessa's house. Each year, a Christmas parade goes right past their backyard...a parade of boats decorated for Christmas. (Funny enough, she and Nate are stuck in Boston because of the snow storms, so they weren't even there) but that didn't stop us Munns from having a great par-tay! Kara and Shelly are in charge of the Quigley crew and got all the yummy food ready (despite having three sick babes in tow).
Only in Florida can you watch a holiday parade on the water, in shorts, eating ice cream! Jealous??? I know I would be!
Jon and Goldielocks & Tyler and Tatertot - - - - - - - - - - Sam, Kitter, and Kara
Goldie Girl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Josie and Isabelle (who Jo calls Tinkerbell)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's Our Birthday


Today is my birthday. And it is also my little sister, Leah's birthday. She was born on my second birthday, which make us exactly two years apart. Seem shocked???? you aren't the only one. Our very own dear and darling father seems just as shocked year after year. "Really? You two have the same birthday?" he says each time Ddecember 10th rolls around!
I've always loved sharing my birthday with Leah. Because December birthdays sometimes get mixe dup in the whole christmas celabration, having a shared birthday always seemed to surprise people and draw attention to it! And what better person to share a birthday with than one of my VERY BEST FRIEND! I love you Leah. I wish you lived right next door to me!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This just in....

This just happened and I had to write it down so I wouldn't forget.
Josie was sitting on the couch in the basement, looking through the big Toys R Us magazine. She kept showing me everything that looked interesting to her. She got to the last page, then closed it and said "Amen"! I died laughing!

Happy Birthday, Jord!


Today is my little brother's birthday. I found this old picture of us....I think it is about 15 years ago, making him 5 and me 14.

Happy Birthday ar the best! Thanks for being such a WONDERFUL uncle to my kids. They ADORE you!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I am sending out Christmas card....if you want one and aren't on my list already (if you got one last year, you are on my list) send me an email with your address and I'll add you!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Family Chirstmas Card picture 2008

Always a joy to take a family picture! I see so many great family pictures from other people...who have a lot of kids, too. But THEIR kids are all looking and seem to be enjoying themselves. Mine HATE it and pout and make wierd faces the whole time. A first happened this year though and I DARE anyone to try and top this one...while I was taking Jordan and Shanda's picture, I hear Jett yelling...SCREAMING at Duce. I go to see what the noise is all about. Duce had peed on Jett's leg. Yeah...that is what I said. I guess Jett wasn't paying attention and walked right into Duce's stream and got peed on! Like I said...a joy to take family pictures!
(there is the pee mark!)