Tuesday, January 20, 2009

FHE Goals

Last night for FHE, we went over some family goals for 2009. Here is a sampling of what we all are working on....

Read more books-Jett

Be more active in PE-Duce (when I asked him what he meant, he said that he wants to be able to do jumping jacks the FASTEST of anyone else)

Learn all my friends names-Avery (she started a new preschool this month and doesn't know everyone's name)

Make a new and updates master list of all our food storage...and start to actually ROTATE it!-Erika

There are more.....much more....lots to improve on!


Tiffany said...

My favorite is the jumping jacks goal! Go Duce!

Sticks and Stones said...

I made a master list of our food storage on Excel, it has been a good way to track our use and reserve. Let me know if you want a copy, I can email it to you.

critts said...

I so hear you on the master list for our food storage. I have no idea what I have!