Friday, January 16, 2009

"GP " day is fast approaching!

just a reminder.....

this AMAZING blog will be "GOING PRIVATE" after this Sunday night! If you haven't already, leave your email so I can send you an invite! Can I lure you with a sneek peak of my britney spears lipsync routine (as soon as I get the copy) But only if you leave your email....believe me...I am shameless apparently! So leave you email....and you can continue to live vicariously through me! (HA!)


It's Been a Day! said...

i totally keep forgetting to email you even though i think you already have my address. but i want to keep seeing updates of your cute family so add me to the list!

Meagan said...

I am glad we caught this in time! We love keeping up with your family through the blog! Please include us on your list!

Eric and Meagan

floridacat said...

Thanks for including me on your blog Erika... I love reading them... If any of the rest of you Munns girls blogs are private can you please invite me... thanks, Cathy (Sarah's mom) said...

cute blog I look at it probably every week. Ro hosking