Friday, April 24, 2009

How the time flies

I love this picture. For many reasons. One being, I love seeing the size difference between these two. Duce, my oldest. And Tee, my youngest. Another reason being that it reminds me how fast time flies. I can still remember when it was Duce that was the little guy. My only one at the time. And I remember thinking how much I loved this little kid and how could you possibly love anyone more. And then Jett came and then Avery and then Josie and then Tee. And you realize that you love them too. And just as much! And it all happens so fast. Yes, there are days that I wish I could just sleep in and not have ANYONE come into my room, do only ONE load of laundry a week, or not have to see all bakugan guys on the floor AGAIN! But I love this life. And its seems to be clipping along quickly! Before I know it, Duce will out grow me. (he is WELL on his way) and Tee will be the one leaving the bakugans everywhere. I love this picture!