Sunday, February 21, 2010

My first official dress

I have always been envious of my mother and her amazing seamstress abilities. Even my little sister Leah has turned into quite an amazing sewer. (she's even made a few wedding dresses!) I look at other people's blogs where they showcase their crafty talents and I long to be able to do even a fraction of what they can.....and then yesterday....I was cleaning out some old storage bins in our basement and I came across about 135 yards of fabric that my mother bought for my wedding. Only my little niece Laken actually got a dress made out of it. The rest has been neatly packed away for the last (almost) 10 years. So I decided to do something with it. I decided to make my girls their Easter dresses. I don't like tooting my own horn but TOOT TOOT TOOT! Now, don't examine the seams too closely. It's certainly not perfect, but as close to it as I've ever gotten. I made Avery's dress over the weekend from a modified pattern I came across. Then I added the flower collar, which is my FAVORITE part. seriously...couldn't be more pleased with it.


1natederek said...

So Adorable!!!! You are a lot better than me, would love to make an article of clothing some day but haven't built up the guts yet.

1natederek said...

sorry, i guess i'm logged in under Nate, this is actually Suzanne, ha ha.

Heidi said...

So you HAVE to tell me how you did the flowers!! SO dang cute!!

abbie said...

that collar is DARLING! you are a pro! i can't even sew a straight line.