Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine's presents

My church bag is littered with tiny notebooks, mini scriptures, and pencils. I'd like to carry just my stuff, for once. I've had these little canvas totes for awhile. The kids took them occasionally, but everyone was always grabbing the wrong they seemed to plain. So I searched around for a simple fix and came across this cute raw edged applique idea. So for Valentine's day, I added these onto the kids totes (in their favorite colors), so they can tell whose is whose. I hadn't planned on making one for Tee, but he saw what I was doing and immediately hooked one on to his arm and trotted off, so I figured he should get one, too. I'm going to put little notebooks and pens, along with some candy to give to the kids.


Liz said...

Your bags turned out great! Don't you just love leaving those edges raw - it's so easy.

Shelley said...

Cute bags! Great idea.

Leah W said...

awesome bags...look at you little crafy lady....
Hey also you look BEAUTIFUL in all your prego glory!!

abbie said...

good idea! when can my toddler start carrying her own diapers/wipes/binkies/sippy cups/JUNK???

do you know what you're having yet??

Anonymous said...

Love it Erika! Wish I had that plate of shrimp right now! You must share the recipe.

Anonymous said...

Oops. The shrimp were on the previous post sorry. The still look good though.