Sunday, March 8, 2009

Last Minute Trip

At 5:00pm Friday, we decided to go to Washington DC. We haven't been to the temple in a while and its SVU's spring break, so I found a hotel (dog friendly with a pool) and we were on the road by 7:00. It took a little over three hours to get there and everyone did pretty well on the trip. I expected more sleeping...but the kids didn't cooperate.

notice the NO DIVING painted in RED...Jett didn't think it really counted and the NAZI lifeguard on duty made him sit out!
"one of these things is not like the other" For as long as I can remember, I have had this REALLY big bump/bone sticking out of my ankle. I have NEVER broken any bones....but this just sticks out. It doesn't hurt...never has....and when I was younger, I felt really self conscious of it. I remember being in PE in elementary school and crossing my feet so no one could see it.
the car rides were as to be expected...there was a little bit of this.....

.....and a little bit of this......
This was the real beast....
(at least Aves is happy)
What's a road trip without the usual road trip fare (that makes you HATE all junk food by the end of it!)
we are like a clown many little kids (and a dog) can you stuff into a van!?!?
The pilot and co-pilot....for those of you who don't know. I am a living navigation system. I can go somewhere once and 9 times out of 10, I'll get you back without needing directions...its a gift really. My grandfather noticed it in me when I was three, riding with them in their motor joke. My mind is a trap! So the only reason we had a mapquest, was we were going a different route...which has now been filed in my mind for next time!
We are home and fun....and bytheway...its 80 here---warmer than FL right now!


Shelly Hyde said...

How fun for you guys. Love those last minute shenanigans. Who watched the kids while you hit up the temple?

Erika Anderson said...

we took turns...Tyler went in the morning...I went in the afternoon.

Jordan & Shanda said...

I miss my fat kid!! and everyone else too. But I am attatched! thats why I'm banking on you to birth my babes. love u!

Erika Anderson said...

fat chance, shanda! this factory is closed.

abbie said...

i love the slew of binkies and carseats and snacks and people! good for you for taking a spontaneous trip. the kids are hilarious.

kara jo haught said...

i love that... that kind of trip is something i would be up for! I wish you and that clown car was here!!!!!

It's Been a Day! said...

last minute trips are the best. i don't stress out so much since i don't know about it in advance! looks like it was a great time by all. i'm jealous of your navigation skills!

Shelly Hyde said...

ok i was looking again and a little closer... is Tyler eating a tootsie roll? That man and his wild card treats.

Erika Anderson said...

Shelly, do you buy your tootsie rolls from the land of giants? nope...its a chocolate donut....but I have seen him walk out of a gas station with the footlong tootsie rolls before! wild card is right!

Shannon said...

omg i love that post! i am smiling and laughing and wondering how you many car seats you own and what hotel allows dogs and what you did w/ the dog while at the temple and ultimately admiring you for your fun and memorable trip. what a good mom and dad you 2 are..i totally believe you about your "trap" are quite a gal!

Sticks and Stones said...

You are seriously wonder woman! I can't get past the fact that you were out the door in 2 hours. THAT alone is amazing!!! It takes us that long to go potty and find everyone's shoes, let alone pack! Good job, oh how you will be blessed for your efforts.