Wednesday, March 31, 2010

our bike prodigy

Since Avery got a new bike for her birthday, we gave Josie her old bike. The training wheels are broken, so Jo has just been walk/pedaling along for the last couple of days. I came out today and the girl has taught herself to ride a two wheeler! Go JO!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pinewood Derby

This was out first experience with the scouting programs' PINEWOOD DERBY. Duce and Tyler spent a lot of time designing, sanding and painting. We managed to get his car 1/100 of an ounce under the 5 ounce limit. He won his first race, but then a weight fell off and he didn't put it back on, so for the next three heats he was in, he took 2nd twice and third once. He didn't advance to the finals, but he did win the most unique use of weights ( we used fishing weights, of course)!
a video of the winning heat....he is in the first lane on the right...the orange monster!
The spectators....Tee was really just interested in all the balloons.

Monday, March 29, 2010

dear tooth fairy...

Dear Tooth Fairy,
You will need to bring along a bulldozer in order to retrieve your goodies from underneath Duce's pillow tonight. Seems he was "retaining" some baby teeth that were beginning to interfere with the alignment of his adult teeth, so the dentist took them out....NINE to be exact. He is a bit sore and a little grumpy, but anxiously looking forward to the financial windfall this hardship will bring him.
Duce's mom

BEFORE leaving for the dentist. They gave him a sedative pill to take ahead of time (wouldn't have minded one myself!)
AFTER the extractions. You can see the adult teeth already...said he would only be toothless for a little bit. We stopped to get some "soft" foods to hold him over for the next few days. Got some yogurt, soup, oatmeal, lots of fruit for smoothies.
(this little pile of gold is gonna cost me a bundle!)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Jett and Avery have their birthday!

Jett and Avery had their birthdays on Thursday. Wednesday, they helped me decorate the cupcakes we took into their classes. I went to Jett's in the morning and Avery in the afternoon. Jett LOVES chocolate, so he wanted half his cupcakes chocolate. The vanillas were the first to go....those kids don't know what they are missing. The chocolate ones were HEAVEN!

I told the kids that I would make their favorite dinner. They picked macaroni and cheese (Avery's favorite) with hotdogs and baked beans (Jett's favorite). Simple enough!

Who doesn't love $money$ for your birthday!!

Their bigs gifts were a ripstick skateboard thing for Jett and a new bike for Avery.

In my very swollen/pregnant state, the less time I have to be on the feet, the better. So only one birthday cake this year for them to share. It was just a regular tres leches. Jett designed an ocean scene for the cool whip, so using some food coloring, Avery helped me make the fish and other decorations.
Happy 7th Birthday Jett! Happy 6th Birthday Avery!

Thursday, March 25, 2010



37 week update
2 CM
70 % effaced
baby is a -1 station
1 pound weight gain

see you next week at the DR office or hospital.....

Thursday, March 18, 2010

belly at 36 weeks

36 week check-up: 1CM and 25 % effaced
I've had a few request for some recent belly shots....Avery took these this afternoon....(no make-up and yes, the house is a disaster)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

kid pictures

I love looking through my pictures and seeing what the kids have taken photos of....

Avery and Jett are usually the photogs....i tend to erase LOTS of shots of what they are watching on TV....and it amazing how unflattering a pictures is when taken from two feet below you...WOW!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Our little singer

this is Josie's favorite song to sing these days!

Monday, March 8, 2010

stuffed sausage

So as I am inching towards my due date, I am finding it more and more difficult to do everyday things.

Stand up.

Sit down.

Lay down.

Get dressed.


Pick up toys or kids.




And if you are wondering about the picture, well that is how I feel. Like an italian sausage and one false move and I will bust out of my casing.

I've kept a "calendar" of sorts of each of my pregnancies. Its 40 weeks and has an it each time I took a test, my dr's appointments for most, if we had an ultrasound what the results were. I've kept track of my weight gain for just about every pregnancy and every appointment, so I can gauge where I am compared to other pregnancies. I'm not as big as the first two, but no at small as Josie's pregnancy ( if you can ever call ANY of my pregnancies small!) But I am still shocked (depressed) at the number every time I get one the scale. Why couldn't I have a baby in the fall...that would give me MONTHS to return to normal before warm weather season. But no....4 out of our 6 kids have had an April due date....leaving me little/NO time to rebound before bathing suit weather...ugh. Just saying bathing suit makes me throw up a little in my mouth.

With our Florida summer trip in sight, I will swallow my pride, dawn my ankle length skirted bathing suit and hit the beach with my kids. If you want an ego boost, come join me!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bossy Boy

Well...we did it...after much thinking and weighing our options...we decided to find Boss a new home. Our life is about to get incredibly MORE hectic and this is the best for us and for him. To top it off...yesterday, he decided he wasn't going to come to me anymore. So when he got out of the yard, I chased him around the neighborhood for over an huge waddling pregnant lady. I was ready to KILL him. Tyler got home, and he walked right up to him.....and since I'm the one that is home with him all day, I can't have that. We had quite a bit of interest in him. We weeded through all the unsavories....and found a great home for him. I actually prefer that the family live in an apartment, because I know they can't tie him outside forever. Which is what most people around these parts seem to do. Boss was happy as a clam...jumped right in their car. Our little family took it a little harder. Duce was super sad. Even Avery cried a bit this afternoon. I was surprised to find a lump in my throat. One day....(maybe)....we can think about getting another dog. He really was a good boy, and I think no childhood is complete without a dog, so someday....right now, our house is too small and is about to get smaller with our newest babe about to be born.
"Bye Bye, Bossy Boy" -Avery