Monday, March 8, 2010

stuffed sausage

So as I am inching towards my due date, I am finding it more and more difficult to do everyday things.

Stand up.

Sit down.

Lay down.

Get dressed.


Pick up toys or kids.




And if you are wondering about the picture, well that is how I feel. Like an italian sausage and one false move and I will bust out of my casing.

I've kept a "calendar" of sorts of each of my pregnancies. Its 40 weeks and has an it each time I took a test, my dr's appointments for most, if we had an ultrasound what the results were. I've kept track of my weight gain for just about every pregnancy and every appointment, so I can gauge where I am compared to other pregnancies. I'm not as big as the first two, but no at small as Josie's pregnancy ( if you can ever call ANY of my pregnancies small!) But I am still shocked (depressed) at the number every time I get one the scale. Why couldn't I have a baby in the fall...that would give me MONTHS to return to normal before warm weather season. But no....4 out of our 6 kids have had an April due date....leaving me little/NO time to rebound before bathing suit weather...ugh. Just saying bathing suit makes me throw up a little in my mouth.

With our Florida summer trip in sight, I will swallow my pride, dawn my ankle length skirted bathing suit and hit the beach with my kids. If you want an ego boost, come join me!


Heidi said...

I TOTALLY get it! I only have like pairs of shoes that fit my feet AND that I can get on without bending over TOO much. Such a pain! But we will be normal again! (Won't we?!)