Monday, March 29, 2010

dear tooth fairy...

Dear Tooth Fairy,
You will need to bring along a bulldozer in order to retrieve your goodies from underneath Duce's pillow tonight. Seems he was "retaining" some baby teeth that were beginning to interfere with the alignment of his adult teeth, so the dentist took them out....NINE to be exact. He is a bit sore and a little grumpy, but anxiously looking forward to the financial windfall this hardship will bring him.
Duce's mom

BEFORE leaving for the dentist. They gave him a sedative pill to take ahead of time (wouldn't have minded one myself!)
AFTER the extractions. You can see the adult teeth already...said he would only be toothless for a little bit. We stopped to get some "soft" foods to hold him over for the next few days. Got some yogurt, soup, oatmeal, lots of fruit for smoothies.
(this little pile of gold is gonna cost me a bundle!)


Leah W said...

The most darling post!