Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bossy Boy

Well...we did it...after much thinking and weighing our options...we decided to find Boss a new home. Our life is about to get incredibly MORE hectic and this is the best for us and for him. To top it off...yesterday, he decided he wasn't going to come to me anymore. So when he got out of the yard, I chased him around the neighborhood for over an huge waddling pregnant lady. I was ready to KILL him. Tyler got home, and he walked right up to him.....and since I'm the one that is home with him all day, I can't have that. We had quite a bit of interest in him. We weeded through all the unsavories....and found a great home for him. I actually prefer that the family live in an apartment, because I know they can't tie him outside forever. Which is what most people around these parts seem to do. Boss was happy as a clam...jumped right in their car. Our little family took it a little harder. Duce was super sad. Even Avery cried a bit this afternoon. I was surprised to find a lump in my throat. One day....(maybe)....we can think about getting another dog. He really was a good boy, and I think no childhood is complete without a dog, so someday....right now, our house is too small and is about to get smaller with our newest babe about to be born.
"Bye Bye, Bossy Boy" -Avery


Leah W said...

sianara bossy

Heidi said...

Cathryn still prays for Ginger and we haven't had her since September. But she doesn't cry anymore about it. Sad, but maybe another in the future.