Friday, April 22, 2011

Burn Pile Night

Over spring break, we did a LOT of yard work...raking...pruning...weeding. We accumulated quite the burn pile. We told that kids that if the weather cooperated, we could have a fire and campout on the Friday of spring break (who are we kidding...I say "we"....I was inside with the baby). The stars aligned and the weather was mild. Tyler set up the tent. I bought smores ingredients. And the evening fun began. Its amazing how mesmerized with fire all kids get. It was all we could do to keep them all away from it. Everyone had a stick that they kept putting in the fire to light it.....pyros!

I was surprised that everyone stayed out. Tyler did say that every dog in the world was barking all night and that it was "booty cold" but the kids had nothing but rave reviews of their night outside.

2 comments: said...

sounds like fun. There is something about fires that kids just love. Cute family.

Krzysztof said...

Welcome. You have a beautiful family and beautiful blog. I have a blog up to 2 days, and is known as a happy family, because I would like to have this in the future. As I look at you, then you already have. You are happy. Regards and welcome to my blog. Christopher of Polish.