Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, we had the annual Anderson Easter Egg Hunt at our house. All the local cousins/aunts/uncles came over for FHE and dinner.
Ace with cousins Mason and Tannon
Grandpa Anderson arranged the hunt in heats...the first heat was for the little kid 4 years and under. The older cousins were more than happy to help the little ones find all the hidden eggs.

Avery was in charge of Ace. She got lots of help from Brinn and Kacey.

After the little kids were done, it was the big kids turn. More eggs were hidden and then we turned them all loose. Kids were sprinting all around the yard in search of the treat...among were white money eggs! Boo-yeah, folks.

When the hunt was over, Aunt Lori gave a FHE lesson and then we ate....a lot. There was sloppy joes, fruit and veggie trays, potato salad, chips, deviled eggs, and of course, desserts...chocolate sheet cakes, red velvet cake and vanilla sheet cake with strawberry topping. Delish! It was a wonderful afternoon. The sun was shining, the kids were laughing and the adults were chatting. Just why we moved here to Utah!