Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"Back Blog Post: Melbourne Beach on more time!"

(william is just out of sight and henry is sulking in the surf)
(Isa and Jo....best friend cousins!)
This is a back blog....it was our last trip to the beach before leaving for Virginia. Jake & Tiff and their kids, along with the Quigley's and Shelly and Gold came, too! I really do love the beach. If you can get past the sticky hot sand all over you, it is one of the best places to go with kids. Leah was still in town during this trip, but stayed back at home with mom, her baby and she kept Tee in exchange for bringing Gordon. It is more fun without an infant, I must admit. I can get out into the water and dig in the sand...you just can't do that with a small baby. You have to hide out under umbrellas all day. Next summer, Tee will be a better beach age.
We were quite a sight...I think there were 14 kids in and around the surf. Then up at the "camp", there were 3 little babes (Goldie, Lucy, and Declan). After digging holes and bogieboarding, we headed to the Quigleys to swim in their pool before going back to Saint Cloud.
I really do LOVE the beach!


Shelly Hyde said...

I love the sulking henry