Saturday, June 28, 2008

first time being tagged...atleast doing it.

3 fears
-my plumber not coming soon to put in my new dishwasher
-not falling in love with our new little town (i'm still working on it)
-being pregnant

3 joys
-runnning errands without any kids with me!
-getting in my bed with all my kids tucked asleep in their beds
-watching my kids try tricks off the diving board that kids twice their size wouldn'd dare

3 goals
-get my house all unpacked and oragnized (including an inventory of all our food starage)
-lose the last of my baby weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-get through today without raising my voice at any of my kids

3 obsessions
-reality TV-I am such a junkie
-tyler would say blogging!

3 randoms
-when my husband was graduating high school, I was graduating the 2nd grade!
-if I had surgery to fix my scoliosis, I would be about an inch taller
-with each baby I've had, my hair has gotten darker, thicker, and curlier


Shelly Hyde said...

I would like to see you an inch taller

Sarah said...

you have scoliosis?