Saturday, August 2, 2008


beautiful (spendy) new fence......rotten old nasty fence
We need a new privacy fence. The old one has been up for who knows how many years and is rotten and falling over in some places, so we need to replace it. Besides that, the yard isn't totally fenced, and our dogs like to "visit" the neighbors. So Jordan and Tyler got up early and began the day by going to Lowes in the truck about 17 times to brings loads of the fencing material home....where's go-dad's trailors when you need them.

The then rented a hole digger, hoping that would speed up the process. Too bad our soil is ALL ROCK! There were just too many HUGE rocks in the soil, so that was pointless. Shorts of an excavator....we finally talked to enough locals to know that we need a "demolition hammer"?? Whatever that is...So after hours of work...there wasn't much to show, despite the many little helpers that eagerly put on their own gloves to help out in the yard. The new goal is to take Wednesday off and Tyler and Jordan will again begin the fence!
Avery found the perfect princess working gloves...Jett loves to man a shovel
Tyler and Jordan doing their best to dig a hole despite the boulders in the soil...Jo hiding