Saturday, November 1, 2008

Coach Lavell Edwards

Tyler's college coach from BYU came out to SVU for a visit and to catch a game. Some of you may have heard of him....Lavell Edwards. His wife was absolutely adorable. We got to take them out to dinner tonight. It was so fun to hear him tell stories and talk so highly of my wonderful husband. It was a great dinner. they have led such an interesting life...and if I remember correctly, they have been married 57 years. When dinner was over, Sis. Edwards said to me that is a good life to live (being a coach's wife) and that she wouldn't change it for the world. I picked a good one!

(andP.S - if I could, I would erase this picture in a heartbeat...first of all its fuzzy, my black shirt is blending in with everything in the back ground, I have a red nose (its was cold), no summer tan left and my hips are at a weird angle, so I look like a mack truck! but it is the only one we got with the Edwards...and I didn't preview it to make sure it was a good we all do after a picture is taken, right?!)


Tiffany said...

Dad was just telling me about great!

Heidi said...

My mom got Lavell's autograph over 10 years ago when my brother was trying to get as a walk-on. He's an ICON!! So exciting!! Now all you need is Ty Detmer!!

W said...

We love the Edwards! We used to be in their ward. They are so great. I'm so glad you all were able to spend time with them.