Friday, October 17, 2008

School Pictures

Jett Cassell Anderson - Kindergarten . . . . . . . . . Duce Tyler Anderson - 1st grade

These came home the the school folders today. Jett's is the one that cracked me up...I KNOW that he did NOT leave the house with that necklace on. He snuck it to school and must have thought, "I am going to look GOOD". As far as Duce goes, I'm just glad his two front teeth are "tucked" in!


abbie said...

ahh jett is looking pretty slick with the crossed arms and borderline choker necklace. i love that. i can recall sneaking a think or 2 in for a school picture as well.

laura said...

oh man i can't wait for aidan's school pictures! especially since all mine were pretty cute. jett cracks me up with the necklace!

The Ranier Munns Family said...

Erika this couldn't be cuter!! You are a blogger excellante!! For christmas I was a book of all the blogging you have done this year. Your kids are sooooo adorable and you----you flip girl you are one of a kind--the best!!

Jamie said...

that necklace is hilarious! your flip is quite impressive.

Leah W said...

I do recall a certain bandana issue I thought I would pull off for my 2nd grade picture...i was sitting pretty until i got the pictures and had to take them HOME!! LOVE THOSE BOYS!!!