Today, Kara and my mom were organizing some old family photos. Kara posted these on her blog, so if you are a visitor of both of us, sorry for the redundancy.
Mom was ALWAYS making us matching dresses. Someday, I hope to be able to sew like her! Rachelle...Leah - - - - - - - - - - Rachelle
Erika and baby Rachelle (mom did hair too) - - - Mexican Rachelle...Albino Kara....Leah
Baby Rachelle...Leah...Erika...Jacob...Wayne...Collin....Daniel- - - - - - -Baby Rachelle with a kitty
Baby Rachelle and Baby Kara- - - - - - - - - - - -Daniel and Little guy Jordan
I LOVED Showtime Dance studios. This was a favorite outfit! Even Daniel and Jacob were ready for the photo op! (the other is a sad reminder of what I used to think looked GREAT!)
I had a great childhood. Many people ask me what it was like growing up with so many kids in my family. Quite frankly, it was AWESOME. We may at times looked like a motley crew, but we were happy. My parents were and continue to be the best parents in the world. As a mom, I can now appreciate what all they did for us....and why they did it. Sure, there were times when I was jealous of an "only child". But for the most part, I look back with the fondest memories. And now, my brothers and sisters are my best friends. We have even been accused of being "clickish".....we aren't a click...we are a FAMILY! That is what family is all about. I just hope that I can provide the kind of stable, loving, FUN atmosphere for my kids to grow up in so that when they are adults, they can look back and think how great their childhood was! So here's to the Munns family..........!
We only had a meager 10 in the Russ family, but I totally agree. I wouldn't have it any other way. Sure we got a lot of looks when all 12 of us stood up to leave the buffet and my brother walked out of the fire exit, but it is so much fun to have so many friends. I often hear people talking about not having more than one or two children because they are worried about not being able to devote enough time to each kid. There is some truth to that but I think too often we overlook how important the attention from siblings is. Love the 80's pics. We can only hope our kids will be blessed with such a wonderful decade.
LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! dang we were a circus but boy do we know how to have some fun! Loved Johnny's comment! Siblings are the best!!
no problem looking at these twice. i was dying. i especially loved the one with you and shelly w/the curlers...and the one of shelly with the cat in her suit. classic.
funny bc that is partially how i'll always think of each of you...looking like that. the memories and images are still there and always will be.
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