Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Post #3 Memorial Day

This is out last holiday in Florida before we move, so my parents decided to invite some good ole friends over to their house for a bon voyage get together. There was lots of food, fun, sun, and play had by all! We had quite a turn out...the Borchardts, Pratts, Sniders, Melicks (Linnea with her broken arm and all), Farnsworths, Sorroughs, Ryans, Sagers, Apontes, Bishops, Flores, Howes, Fortes...I know there were more, I'm just drawing a blank. And of course the family was there!
This is probably one of my new favorite pictures EVER! Emily looks beautiful and Jo is so darn cute!
Nothing like trying to take a picture of yourself. Hopefully Christine will be the next Munns girl!
We tried hard to get Josie and Chloe to look at the camera and luck. Daniel brought his air boat and was generous enough to let any and all go for a ride. Avery did NOT like it. She kept covering her ears whenever he would start it up. It does get pretty loud.


laura said...

i am jealous of all this fun you guys have!