Friday, May 9, 2008


So I think I have a lot of kids....I saw this on the news...the Duggars are pregnant with #18. That baby you see in the picture is 9 months old now and she is due on New Years Day....I don't even know what to think of this...good for her?

Even with 5 kids, my fear is not being able to spend enough quality one on one time with each of them....there is no way these kids get enough one on one time, can there? And at some point, you have got to run out of "J" names...they have a "Jinger"....maybe I ought to tell them about the best two "J" names there are....JETT and JOSIE!


tanya said...

holy cow! That is alot, you would sure have to spread yourself thin to feel like you gave everyone time! As far your family one your a great mom and 5 so far is nothing compared to them.